A massage from our Executive Director:
Support and trust are always complementary figure but different on the applicability. On addressing community challenges is very important to balance all the two dimensions scenarios. We are very much grateful to thank you Global Greengrants Fund (GGF) for the trust and supporting of indigenous Women from Loibor-siret ward Noomunyi sub-village in Simanjiro district through KULE Project (Dairy Farming).
The project aimed on reducing food insecurity, climatic change resilience and empowering women economical and save more than 1433 household from the village who will benefiting from milks sold by women on small restaurants and homesteads. Now indigenous women have acquired the skills and knowledge on modern ways of keep ing Dairy cows, environmental management, pastures preservation and managerial skills, vaccination of the seasonal animals diseases together with business management.
Joseph Loure Ole Parmelo
Executive and Director-ILIOT
Indigenous Livelihood Innovation Organization Team-(ILIOT)